I will freely – and proudly – admit that I did not watch Obama’s pontificating to the American public this morning. I may be unemployed, but I definitely have better things to do.
I will likewise admit that I have not read a great deal of aftermath recapping or reporting… and my blood pressure thanks me for that.
That said, from my admittedly limited point of view, it would appear to me that Our Glorious President has arbitrarily and whimsically decided when, how, and even if he is going to enforce a law passed by Congress and signed by him, despite there being no Constitutional provisions for such a decision.
It is an inconvenient truth that the American society has always had a nagging, lurking, siren-like desire to return to an autocratic form of government – after all, it is easier to let our “betters” tell us what we need to know, and tell us how we should act, and tell us what we should do. Thinking for yourself is hard.
I am no political scientist or anything, but I dare say we are dangerously close to getting what none of my readers want, but what America has been driving towards for about… well, somewhere around 237 years.